Plus wouldn't it be interesting to hear what stories your shoes could tell if they could speak?
Throughout the ages and world, shoes have had and have a very important role to play in society. For some they have religious value, to others they represent luck, they can simply be a pretty accessory on a night out or they can in fact mean the difference between having an education or not.
Have you ever thought about what your shoes mean to you? If you have any thoughts on the matter I'd love to hear your stories for a future post. Please get in touch if you do, via email or commenting below.
In the meantime to find out more on just how much value shoes can have visit the official website of the ethical footwear company toms at and see how footwear can make an active difference.
Photo: A pair of vintage blue suede shoes (on top of French Vogue) that I absolutely adore but I am not sure of their story......yet!
My friend absolutely refuses to buy shoes second hand, but I think she's missing out. I recently bought a beautiful pair of red suede shoes from a charity shop. They'd clearly barely been worn. I'll be featuring them on my blog very soon (once this damnawful weather clears up and I can wear them out again!!).