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Vintage and second-hand shoes are a funny topic as the majority of shoppers still find it unhygienic and unnatural to walk in someone else's shoes. I myself an avid shoe-lover to be honest couldn't give two hoots! For me, a gorgeous pair of shoes are a gorgeous pair of shoes no matter where they have came from. Plus wouldn't it be interesting to hear what stories your shoes could tell if they could speak? Throughout the ages and world, shoes have had and have a very important role to play in society. For some they have religious value, to others they represent luck, they can simply be a pretty accessory on a night out or they can in fact mean the difference between having an education or not. Have you ever thought about what your shoes mean to you? If you have any thoughts on the matter I'd love to hear your stories for a future post. Please get in touch if you do, via email or commenting below. In the meantime to find out more on just how much value shoes can have visit the official website of the ethical footwear company toms at and see how footwear can make an active difference.Photo: A pair of vintage blue suede shoes (on top of French Vogue) that I absolutely adore but I am not sure of their story......yet!
I don't know what everyone's political views are on wars or whether you even have a view on it but my personal view is 'violence is unnecessary', although I am extremely thankful that there were and are people out there brave enough to fight for a cause to protect others, and I am internally grateful for this.However I have no political views and this is a fashion blog so I will explain my reasoning behind that little questioning...I have always been interested in old things and the history behind them, and recently my Dad mentioned he had something of his Grandfather's; a coin (medal) given to every soldier that had fought in the First World War. My first thought was 'ooh can I see it?' and my second 'could you wear it as a necklace?'. To some I understand this may seem extremely insensitive but I can say with my hand on my heart I do not mean to be in any way. To me this medal is a part of my family history, a reminder of the seriousness of human conflict and also the medal itself is (for lack of a better word) a 'pretty' example of brilliant craftsmanship. However it made me question what message would I be conveying if I wore this medal out in public as an item of jewellery? What would be the reaction? It is only three days away from Remembrance day and everyone will be wearing their poppies as a sign of respect. However in a week everyone's poppies will be gone so would it still be appropriate to wear something that acknowledges the First World War after this time without being seen as being political? Even subconsciously? I suppose, I am not looking any real answers to these questions as I think they are near impossible to ever answer but to try to make people think after reading this post of the messages they are conveying every time they put an item of clothing or jewellery on. As David mentioned in the previous post, we are all affected by fashion whether we like to think we are or not. And we are all soldier's of style whether that be to charity shops, Topshop, Chanel, Tkmaxx, clothes hand-me-downs, friends, the media, beliefs, education etc. We all wear a uniform to reflect who we are and what we represent and what our families represent. We all just need to grab our war paint (make -up,clothes, perfume and shoes) and fight the same peaceful war; the one that aims towards the fashion world and society letting us openly express our 'selfs' without fear of persecution or ridicule. So what do you
think, would you make a fashionable protest? Picture: The coin and my Grandfather's old pocket watch that no longer has any hands but which can still be used for decoration.